About USAA
USAA has more than 11 million members, with 92% saying they plan on staying with USAA for life. USAA has higher satisfaction ratings than any other public company in the United States. Their members trust and believe in their recommendations.
USAA is partnering with RepairPal to recommend their members use a RepairPal Certified Dealership.
One of the ways in which they are doing this is through the members’ insurance website. Referrals from this website have specific dealer requirements, in addition to the excellence of customer service you typically provide.
Background Checks:
USAA asks that you have an employee background check program in place. This has been very loosely worded in order to give you flexibility in running your business, but be sure to check with your local hiring laws for compliance. Below are a couple links you can check out to obtain these background checks and keep them on file.
Why does USAA require background checks?
USAA likes to ensure that members will be safe and well taken care of. This is a part of the promise they make to their members about excellent service. Once you implement a policy, this is also something you can advertise on your website, Facebook page, marketing materials and even in your dealership description on RepairPal's site. A survey RepairPal has done shows that about 60% of our participating dealerships do background checks today, and that this is quickly becoming an industry standard, because its something that many consumers and partner companies are asking for, as a measure of trust and reliability.
I cannot afford background checks. Will USAA pay for them?
USAA will not be paying our dealers for any reason, however, RepairPal is happy to invest in helping you implement a background check process. Once you find a background check provider, get a quote for costs from them and send it to us. We'll be happy to help you get this important step done so you can participate.
Will USAA be controlling the prices I charge in my dealership?
No, USAA will be using the RepairPal fair price guarantee, as calculated by our estimator. They are not going to impose any additional restrictions on parts and labor fees.
Does USAA pay for shop fees or diagnostics?
No, USAA is not going to be financially involved in this transaction. It is a referral program.
Will USAA be collecting payments from their members for the referrals they're making?
Not at this time. USAA will refer the members to your shop and you'll collect payment for any services rendered as you normally do.